Hope You all Doing well, This does
not need to be say that what we achieve in the recent years Onlinegatha with it
is immense endeavor brought the Authors on a stage where they are capable of
publishing their E books online for free which did not only raise the status of
writing but there is something which lifted up the Literature beyond and more
than Words, no doubt we got the worth for it when the famous litterateur were
weak on their knee to except the potential of Online gatha.
Sometimes before the
authors were supposed to write and entertain only or even if they were paid
that was according to the Monopoly of the publishers, but when internet took
the pledge of being on every desk , no longer the monopoly could survive, and
this is the reason we strive to make the authors self publisher instead of
being dependent on any publisher. Onlinegatha has brought the Unique platform
where authors can write and publish Ebooks their seleves.
This is to ponder that
do you get the real worth of your words and writings, perhaps no but ,
onlinegatha has immense respects for the litterateurs and we provide almost
full loyalty from the Books sold by us. We demand nothing except a simple free
registration on our website , and there on you are our member and we will be
responsible to take care of the stuffs.