Monday, 7 December 2015

10 things you did not know about book publishing

The time has drastically changed when it comes to book publishing. Now, every author wants to make his books available to large number of people for reading. This is very much possible in this era, as it the internet era. Every book is available online and can be downloaded from there very easily.
Today, no writer or author is dependent on traditional PR to sell their books and can be uploaded on Onlinegatha, Flip kart or Amazon. Further, now the social media like Facebook and twitter are also of great help. You can easily, tell the people about your book which help you to reach more and more people can be interested in your book. This gives the book more publicity and more readers.
But still there some most important thing which you must know when you publish your first book and there are these things which you did not know about book publishing:
1)      The most important is the meeting of the publishing house and the sales person. In this they will decide about the copies of the books to be released in the market. This meeting will be the private affair and you won’t be allowed to attend this meeting.
2)      Do not always take the other authors as your competitor. Sometime be funny, smart to answer their questions after all they are your friends.
3)      Don’t be nervous or disheartened, if your book is not in the list of best seller. You have more time to improve yourself as the main aim is to make a carrier in writing and not to impress people.
4)      If you are a female writer always be prepared to answer the questions which may be related to your personal life like family supports in writing of the books, about children and many more.
5)      If any reader does not like your book, then it’s not your responsibility to convince them to like your book.
6)      If before giving the book to publisher, you can see the flaws in them just correct them and then only give it for publication. But, if you cannot correct the flaws do not give the book until all the mistakes are removed.
7)      Always feel lucky that you are writer as these are the books only which bring enjoyment, happiness and comfort in the life of the people.
8)      Make sure that you don’t forget to congratulate the other person, if you feel happy after reading his book.
9)      Sometime, you may not be interested in answering the question, in that case you can always say that you are a freelancer and you will be saved from answering lot of question.
10)  Don’t always go by the sales data provided by the publishing house as there may be times good books sell well and sometimes not.


It is the important aspect to choose the best book publisher and seller to sell your book, if you want to sell the books through traditional stores. It is you who have to decide what you need to write and for this you do not need anyone rejection or permission.

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